Kindergarten cop 2 full movie
Kindergarten cop 2 full movie

kindergarten cop 2 full movie

The characters could have easily been stereotypical and unlikeable, but they aren't, instead they have a certain warmth to them, and this is including the kids. Penelope Ann Miller gives good support as well, and the chemistry between the two is convincing without taking over the film too much. He is suitably low-key and avoids being wooden as well.

kindergarten cop 2 full movie

Kindergarten Cop is not Arnold Schwarznegger's best film, but it does show that he can do comedy, and here he does do it well. It was funny, it was poignant and it was well-meaning, while there is also a heart-warming story, good direction and pacing and the action while sometimes intense is well-handled. However, the film does look lovely, and the score and soundtrack gives it its heart-warming sentiment. Kindergarten Cop is a little overlong and the villains are perhaps a little too pantomime. I was not expecting it to work, and it worked so much better than I expected it to.


I saw Dolph do better, i saw him do much worst, but in the end the movie is serving its purpose and as i said my most biggest gripe is the age factor when it comes to Dolph, who act like and is surrounded by people half his age and just do like he is 35.Kindergarten Cop was a surprisingly good film. This a family movie, one that you should watch with your kids and have a fun Saturday night. So in the end, this movie may make you ask why they made it in the first place, but then the real question should be why not? The first one was never "that good" to begin with, and it wasn't that terrible. Well if anything Lundgren's partner remind me of him and have the same french voice actor too, and he serve the comic relief role somewhat. They could had give the role to Kevin Hart and it would had been much funnier and believable. Lets face it, Dolph does not have that much comedy background, and the movie never show how a "badass" he is supposed to be unlike Arny in the first movie. They could had easily go with a 39 to 43 years old good looking mature lady instead, which would had made it a bit more believable. The fact is, she is way too young for Lundgren and this make the whole movie awkward and unbelievable. And of course they decided to give the supporting role to a beautiful actress that look like a barely 26 years old hottie. He is acting and somewhat playing the role of a 35 years old (max) dude while he clearly look in his advanced 50s at least. But my biggest problem with it is Mister Lundgren's age. A gruff FBI agent goes under cover as a kindergarten teacher. Its similarly entertaining as the first one and its by no mean a "bad movie". Despite having nothing storywise to do with the first movie it does follow a similar formula, and call it a sequel or a remake, it does not matter. But i guess i just like those b action movies. I like Dolph Lundgren, i mean sure he is a more mobile Steven Seagal, starring in the same type of scripts and same type of roles as him, usually in the same type of budget movies. PG-13 Rating familyhome Eligible info playarrow Trailer info Watch in a web browser or on supported devices Learn More About this movie arrowforward Dolph Lundgren and Bill Bellamy star in the. Anyway when i saw this was released i had to give it a look. I tough it was a bit funny still but i guess its the kind of humour that work either on kids or old parents. I picked it up years later and watch it again and my tough changed a bit. Nowhere near an iconic or classic as Commando, Terminator 2 or whatever, but still a good time. So of course as a kid i liked the first one. Alright, i saw the first movie as a kid, and it starred my (then) favourite "actor" in Arnold Swartzenagger.

Kindergarten cop 2 full movie