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Company representatives said EDT with LX4 Lubricity Extreme provides the “much-needed” lubricity that is lacking in ULSD fuel to fully protect fuel system components – fuel pump and injectors, while offering all the product’s known benefits that has made EDT a top seller. Eric and Josh talk to you about Stiction Eliminator and answer all your diesel questions. Hot Shot’s Secret line offers a 100 Money Back guarantee. Included were RV Trans Protector, RV Engine Protector, Premium RV Diesel additive, RV Slide-Out Lubricant, and a Premium RV Gas Additive.

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When filling up, I round the numbers to what I fill up and grab whatever bottles I.

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I refill my little bottles, half of them with 1oz., the other half with 2oz., and use 1oz./10gal ratio. per 10 gallons and can be purchased with 8 little 4oz. LX4 Lubricity Extreme, also sold separately as a stand-alone product by Hot Shot’s Secret, has been tested and proven to improve diesel fuel lubricity by up to 56 percent. Hot Shot’s Secret sent me a sampling of some of their latest RV additives to review. Dunno how much is used for LX4 per gallon, but I use Optilube in my truck, its -1oz. Hot Shot’s Secret has announced a new formula that gives EDT a boost in lubricity by with the addition of LX4 Lubricity Extreme. EDT boosts cetane levels by up to 7 points for improved power and fuel economy, cleans injectors, prevents rust and corrosion, neutralizes acid, disperses moisture, prevents gum and sludge formation and stabilizes fuel for long-term storage, company representatives said.

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Ultra-low Sulfur diesel additive contains the highest level of lubricity performance on the market and can put even the poorest quality fuel back into specification and exceed OEM requirements for lubrication. Hot Shots Secret LX416ZSP LX4 Lubricity Extreme Fuel Additive. LX4 LUBRICITY EXTREME is a premium lubricity additive for Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and gasoline. Gilead, Ohio-Hot Shot’s Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) has become a top-seller for the company in recent years due to its success in counteracting the negative effects of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), including loss of power, lubricity and fuel economy for diesel engines. Hot Shots Secret Hot Shots Secret LX416ZSP LX4 Lubricity Extreme Fuel Additive USD 16.49.

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