When you finish with a hilichurl- I mean, an evil spirit, it is surely banished from this world for good. Media:VO_Chongyun About Us - Companions.ogg Your skills are impressive. Do you think I should still take payment for this exorcism?

I just walked into that haunted house, and the problem was resolved.

Media:VO_Chongyun About Chongyun - Commissions.ogg *sigh* I didn't actually do anything. Media:VO_Chongyun About Chongyun - Exorcists.ogg We exorcists have been protectors of Liyue since ancient times, and our techniques have been passed down from generation to generation. Don't forget what we agreed - we will investigate that haunted house tomorrow. There is no better time than this for training. Media:VO_Chongyun Good Evening.ogg As the day winds down and the quiet of evening sets in, the atmosphere is ripe for focusing your mind. Media:VO_Chongyun Good Afternoon.ogg One's spiritual energies are at their peak at noon. Media:VO_Chongyun Good Morning.ogg It is unwise to waste the precious morning hours. Media:VO_Chongyun When It Snows.ogg Ah, this weather is delightful. Media:VO_Chongyun When Thunder Strikes.ogg Before the resounding thunder, evil must cower in fear. It can aid us greatly in the purging of evil. Media:VO_Chongyun When It Rains.ogg There is no purer form of water than rain. Media:VO_Chongyun Chat - Mantras.ogg "Heart be pure, evil be erased. Qingxin-infused water with ice is the most effective. Media:VO_Chongyun Chat - Diet.ogg I take my meals cold to quiet the spirit and calm my vital energies. There are other means to the same end, but they are not the true way. Media:VO_Chongyun Chat - The Art of Exorcism.ogg Exorcism uses thaumaturgy and martial arts to conquer evil.
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Fate has been generous in allowing my path to cross with that of your distinguished self.Oh, no - my services are free of charge! My family has practiced the art of exorcism in Liyue for many generations. Media:VO_Chongyun Hello.ogg My name is Chongyun.